Ahmed Mohamed: the Teenager Arrested for an Innocent Clock Experiment

Left: Ahmed Mohamed (14), Irving, Texas                                   Right: Clock experiment mistaken as bomb


San Francisco is an aid tolerable city with people who have diverging opportunities and passions. Yet, what is it like to live outside of our ever accepting San Francisco?

In Irving, Texas, a 14-year-old Muslim boy named Ahmed Mohamed, built a clock and brought it to school to show his engineering teacher. The clock had supposed bomb-like qualities that prompted the school and police into a panic. The police soon detained Ahmed for questioning on whether or not he built a hoax bomb to cause chaos. This incident affected Ahmed and his family so greatly that, as his father stated, they were torn and confused. Ahmed took a break from school, as he lost his appetite and couldn’t sleep well.

From companies to schools to individuals, people across the country read about his story and responded with an uproar of support. “#IStandWithAhmed” became a trending hashtag on social platforms as Ahmed gained encouragement from President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Mark Zuckerberg. On top of that, Google and Facebook both invited him to their headquarters.

Ahmed has a bright future ahead of him, with endless support and the drive to learn and become an aspiring engineer. The discrimination that Ahmed faced, though not as commonplace in San Francisco, teaches that it is important to have a tolerance for people’s ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, or anything reaching beyond our control even if we don’t agree with it.